How crowded does this get? Is it fun? Do you get to touch bugs? I've seen pictures and it looks nuts and almost like it may be difficult for kids to even get to see the presentations and stuff. My son wants to go, but if it's going to be a madhouse I might try to convince him to go to the Harvest Festival.
It gets pretty crowded at the Bug Fest but the harvest festival is usually very crowded on Saturday with good weather. Have fun!
Ugh. I just hate when it gets so crowded that you inch along in the wall to wall people like it was with the Strawberry Festival this year. Does anyone know if they are planning on somehow moving it to a larger space than just one road wide? We'll still go, but I say we just shut down 42 between Cleveland and the road by McDonald's.
My oldest loves bugs and we went 2 years ago with all the kids. Big mistake - it was crazy!! Crowded doesn't even describe it! He didn't even get to enjoy himself, we had strollers and trying not to lose each other, if we go again I think one of us will just take him and not all of us go so he could enjoy it better, or maybe go first thing in the morning. We went in the middle of the day. Can't remember if it's all weekend or just one day? Is it coming up soon? They do have a lot of cool things, if you like that sort of thing (I don't!)
Nope, nope, nope. Not for me either. I have free tickets to the Greek fest. Maybe we can try that. And maybe we'll just play in the yard!
Thanks for the info, Hugh! I hadn't heard about this, I may check it out. /thread hijack over
biggest issues with these events is the strollers. I'll be there though. Hope you enjoy it. When in doubt, just go EARLY.