calling all Moms and/or Dads, I need your help.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cathy0517, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. cathy0517

    cathy0517 Well-Known Member

    OK, so we moved here and I knew that I would eventually need some help with childcare but I put if off until now. I will need someone or some program to care for my girls ages 6 and 10 after school until my husband can pick them up. I have never left my girls with anyone except their Aunt or Grandmother (who are back in New York) so I am very anxious about this. If anyone has any experience can you please help? I am not opposed to an after school program if there is good supervision and the girls will enjoy it. I don't know if their schools even offer such a thing (Powhaten and Smithfield Middle). I am so excited to be working but this is stressing me out!:confused:
  2. GuardMom2006

    GuardMom2006 Member

    Try the YMCA located 40/42 going towards Clayton. I did when my children were younger, and its still there.
  3. cathy0517

    cathy0517 Well-Known Member

    Thank you I will look into the Y. Anyone else have ideas?
  4. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

  5. meg

    meg Well-Known Member

    Robin's Nest off Old Drug Store Rd is great. They offer before and after school. They open at 6:30am. I just started my son there. He will be in kindergaten in the fall and I needed somewhere for him to go so I started him there for the summer so that he would be comfortable with them before going off to big school. It has been a great place and Ms. Kay is the best and very loving to all the children.
  6. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    This would probably not be convenient for her if her kids go to Powhaten and Smithfield Middle schools. :)

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