Oh Great and Powerful 40/42 community who have always been there for all things necessary in this area... I am having the hardest time finding someone to tutor my two boys in Math. Any suggestions, points in the right direction, resources, would be greatly appreciated! THANKS!! MOT (MOT=mother of twins)
My son goes to Polenta and they have tutoring after school. Call their school and see if they offer it. By the way he goes for Math also.
At the top of this page you will see a "Search" option, type in tutor and you will get a number of threads dealing with this topic. Seems like a popular need. 8)
Christie Turner at Cleveland Elementary is an awesome teacher and tutors kids after school (all ages I believe) and she is Nationally Accredited. I know there was some discussion as to the value of this honor but that has nothing to do with her ability to teach. She is a Christian lady first and foremost (I know this because she is also my friend) and one of the best teachers my two children ever had. You could try calling Cleveland and leaving her a message. She will return your call and may even come to your home. Hope you find what you're looking for.