I'm not really overly thrilled posting this here but at this point I could use some advice other than from the internet. For the first time ever I'm now the proud:ackwner of a canker sore,after about a 1 1/2 weeks it just about went away only to now have recurred :ack: I'd love to go to the doctors office about this but with no insurance I dread what the darn little thing might end up costing me. Any helpful replies would be greatly appreciated!
Got milk? Drink more of it. Lysine is an amino acid that some say helps prevent canker sores and Lysine is found in milk. You can also buy Lysine supplements, take one a day and pretty much do away with canker sores. Avoid chocolate and peanut butter which contains arginine, another amino acid that is said by some to increase the likelihood of canker sores.
Ditto on the lysine supplements. When I feel a 'tinge" of a canker or fever blister, I start dose with 2 500 mg tablets, then 1 a day for a week...never does break the surface.
I woke up with a big ole fever blister this morning. This thing is huge and hurts. I'm blaming it on stress.
I'm glad I have Norton Antivirus so that I can't catch that stuff. Try Blistex maybe? I don't know if it really works but it will make it shiny and more noticeable.
I use Kanka on canker sores and Abreva on fever blisters. Both are available at any pharmacy and both work great for me. Abreva works best if you get it on there as soon as you feel a fever blister coming on.
fever blisters, use abreva, that stuff is amazing and works fast. inside the mouth 'ulcer' or 'canker'....I agree with PG, swishing your mouth after brushing with warm salt water works.
:iagree: Using abreva now for my stupid FB that showed up Tuesday AND one this morning. Stress level is WAY up there and my diet has really sucked lately.
A canker sore, or mouth ulcer is usually caused by bacteria. Your mouth is dirty no matter what you do about it. Usually it developes after some sort of trauma like biting your cheek or getting stabbed by a wayward potato chip. Salt water is best. If you don't like to gargle, wet a Q-tip and sprinkle some salt on it and apply directly to sore. Warning: It'll hurt like he11, but worth it.
Stress and sunlight will often cause cold sore/fever blisters. If they are bad enough you can a prescription of Valtrex which knocks them right out.
Another over the counter sab is Carmex.......some good stuff...burns, but is good. I always heard the old folks say to put an unlit match on it. The sulfur kills it. May just be an old wives tale, I've never tried it.
warm salt water in the morning and in the evening.....it's gonna hurt like Heck (as harvey said) but it will shrink that sucka!