I have a long hair tabby (indoor/outdoor) who has, in the last few months, been unable to groom himself fully. He is matted on his legs and belly. My dog groomer is not accepting "new" cats. Anyone know of a local groomer willing to shave a cat?
Not sure of the business name but Racheal does a lion cut on one of our long haired cats twice a year, and she comes to your site to do it. If I can get the wife to notice this, she will know the name of Racheal's company.
Rachel's business is Curbside Clips 919-625-4213 and i absolutely love her, she does my dogs and my birds and i know she does cats too:hurray:
We really love Racheal too. She is great with our dogs. But if you need it done more quickly, we heard about someone in Benson. It is usually possible to call one day and get in the next, although if we get the word out too far it won't be that way! LOL! It is Deanna's dog house, phone number 919 894 4200. I'm telling on myself here, because I know Racheal is on these forums, but we are really last minute people. And yes, Deanna does cats too.
Bark & Bath Mobile - Jean did Matties hair until we moved Curbside Clips - Rachel did Matties hair when we moved back Love them both!!!
here is her email and she is also on FaceBook ccpetshop@earthlink.net She does a great job with the lion-cut on our long-haired cat. He's never been a great self-groomer, and she has done his cuts since she used to do grooming at her pet store. I always have her trim nails on my older cat too. She hates having her feet touched and Rachael is able to grab hold of her and clip the nails before Ms.Kitty even knows what hit her. :hurray:
do you know what she charges for claw cutting? i have 3 meezers that hate theirs done and it takes two of to do it
I'm trying to think of what the bloodbath would be like if someone tried to "groom" my cat. Hell, I can't even brush her!! Good thing she has short hair! :jester:
nope, missed that, i was just thinking that fiery little redhead could probably handle it better than me, i would run from your little she demon:lol::lol::lol:
No, i'm not sure what the individual charge is for that. she just gives me a total when she's done and I write the check...LOL. Whatever it is, it's worth it for me not to have to mess with Ms.Kittys feet, but her back foot has got to get done because one toenail curves and pokes her little footpad.
I need to print up a sign for my front door along the lines of "Do NOT attempt to pet or hold the cat no matter how friendly she appears, it's a ruse to draw you in for a sneak attack!" She's terrible and I will not be sad when she is gone. DS will, but not me and ya'll know how much I love critters.
your cat sounds like my daughters, maybe we should get them together! my cats are loving to us but they hide if anyone comes over except for our Russian blue Grady,hes just too lazy to move!
I would give her to your daughter if she want's a matching pair of PITA cats! :jester::jester::jester:
i dont think shed want another, hers is a pita but shes had him for 7 years and doesnt have the heart to get rid of him and noone would want him with his issues, besides being tempermental he has "bathroom issues" its too bad cause hes a cute one.