Know very little about the cat...very friendly, enjoys a good pat, likes food, is nonfixed male, and has a unique tail. We'd keep him, but mother-in-law is highly allergic (I know what you're thinking....) and we don't want to have an outdoor pet. Copy and paste the link in your browser to see pics.¤t=DSCN1622.jpg¤t=DSCN1621.jpg&
We're maxed out for pets but PLEASE don't take him to a shelter without posting here first and thank you for the post in the first place! There's so many more pets than homes but I think we (as a species) are obligated to do what we can. Peace.
Yes, we don't want to take him there - that's why we were hoping somebody here has space for one more. Plus now we really have to do something as a second cat has shown up. lol.
Just a quick update: A co-worker has taken the cat into his home...there have been some mishaps with a urine soaked bathroom and some carpet pulled back but he says the cat is so sweet with his kids and wife. He's taking him to vet to get neutered (and a checkup) so hopefully he'll calm down. Please keep your fingers crossed that it will work out...
Thanks so much! Cats are generally sweet animals but they do have their issues. Frequently it's an issue of the human learning to speak 'cat' and vice versa- it's a symbiotic relationship. Spaying helps, but it might help some behavioral problems with some humans too, so IDK!?! There are so many more homes for kittens than there are for cats...please Bob Barker your pets!
Hey, Gomer....saw "my girl" yesterday! Loved all over her and she was happy to see her "Auntie". She such a sweetie!!!