Does anyone here know Caterers in Johnston county that are good. I am even thinking of someone that can do a pig picking. Thank you, Jen
Meadow Village Resturant 7400 Nc Highway 50 S Benson, NC 27504 Phone: (919) 894-5430 McCall's Resturant does catering too 919.550.3877 Toll Free: 1.866.847.2517 Fax: 919.359.8477 Both will do pork Meadow's desserts are off the charts! I have the rear end to prove it! :mrgreen:
Caterer at 40/42 Very good caterer right in our own back yard at 40/42 next to Grapevive. On second thought they may not do pig pickings. You can do that yourself.
I've always used White Swan and picked it up myself and set it up myself.
I vote for "The Swan" too. But go to the REAL SWAN on 301 between Four Oaks & the River. Not one of the Junior Swans! Mmmmm!
Thanks for your suggestions. Do you know somone who would bring the roaster to my house and cook it there. Thanks Jen