Not sure if I am putting this in the right place or not, but what the hey.... I would like to put together a cd/dvd of pictures of my son from the time he was little to recent and maybe put some music with it to play during his graduation open house in June. I am not sure how to do this, so thought maybe someone could help me out and tell me how to do this. Of course most of the pictures are prints, so. I would go to try to have it done by someone else, but right now funds are so tight with getting ready for graduation, preparing for marching band (daughter), her going to UNCG Summer Music Camp in Greensboro, son's 18th birthday, etc, I just don't have the money, so if someone would like to help me out and give me step by step instuctions on how I can do this, it would be appreciated! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
This is free... but you need to make sure you answer Dan's questions first. This is only the software to help put the slide show together. Photo Story 3.
Know I have a cd burner, but not sure about the other. Didn't have any paperwork with the computer when I got it, so not sure how to tell. Ken, will get back to you, thanks