I am so proud of the kids and staff at CES. Today they had a "Hats on" day for Relay for Life. They raised over $500!!!! I think that speaks volumes! Way to go CES!!!
I know my son was excited to wear his Carolina Panthers ballcap to CES today. He also gave a gold one dollar coin out of his piggy bank. He said he wanted to give more than .50. So sweet.....
My son enjoyed wearing his cowboy hat today while knowing that he was supporting kids and adults with cancer. He had a big smile on his face this morning and came home with the same great smile!
What a great way for children to learn about giving money for research. I was overwhelmed that the fifth grade team teachers wore bandanas in honor and memory of Julie Lee, former fifth grade teacher who lost her battle with brain cancer in Feb. Thanks to all the students, teachers and staff!!!