Cheap Large Bird cage?

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by ljk, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Ok - my animal rescuing has hit an all time high... I now am fostering some beautiful birds... probably long term.

    The Macaw's cage is really really nasty. I could not even bring it in the house due to the roach infestation. (yes, I had it in my van...!!!)

    Does anyone know where I can buy a cheap cage? My husband is already on edge that we are over flowing with fosters, I cant spend a fortune on a cage.

  2. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine is involved with some sort of bird rescue, in the midwest ... she fosters and has adopted a few ... I can find out what she suggests ... otherwise, place ads asking for assistance - you never know what someone may have taking up space in a garage or attic?
  3. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I put an ad on here and on craigslist... but 'cheap' is still $300-$500. I may have these guys a long time so I want something nice, but they could be taken back in a few days so I dont want to put tooo much money into it. Ya know?
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Hey ljk, sorry i can't help, i am using all my bird cages. i just heard today about some birds needing rescue including a macaw, cockatoo, and some cockatiels - are these the same ones you have? i was trying to find out more info so i could help if needed.
  5. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Oh well, thanks anyway Kaci.

    They are probably the same ones, there was a macaw (and oh so sweet) a small muliken cocatoo and several parakeets and cockatoos.

    I got them all taken care of, but the cages were a mess.
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Are they in need of a permanent home, pm me with details if possible - i love my birds so much and i know how hard it is on them being moved from one home to another (my Mom says i replaced my children with birds :lol: )
  7. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    It is a legal thing right now... he wants to sell the bigger birds for lawyer fees, family says just to keep them..... but I have to wait and let the police and lawyers work it out. In the past I have had dogs for 7 months before they decide.

    We just cant eat in our dining room any more because of all the gliders and birds! :oops: My poor husband.

    I need to have a fund raiser to buy food and pay for vet bills! :lol:
  8. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i would be more than happy to take one or two off your hands, just let me know. i know what you mean about your dining room, i no longer have a breakfast room in my house - they just love being in front of the big bay window. Actually half our garage is also taken over, we take them out there for playtime when the weather is too cold for outside and my husband has built play spaces for both our birds.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  10. Quote:
    > Does anyone know where I can buy a cheap cage?

    LJK: I buy all my cages from Carl & Lena Gower; they live off Timber Drive behind Eckerds. They also sell at the Raleigh Fairground Swapmeet each weekend. Their cage prices amazingly are way below what you would pay anywhere else! I don't know if you still are in need of cages, but if so, feel free to email me offlist and I'll give you their home phone number.

    Also, I am going to be getting rid of some of my bird supplies such as feeders, waterers, etc. I have a cockatiel and a budgie so of course my supplies are for the smaller birdies and if you are in need any of these supplies, you are welcome to have them, free!:) As a matter of fact, if I ever need to get rid of any of my supplies in the future, I'll keep you and your rescue birds first in mind! I hope this helps!

    Keep up the good work because this world needs more caring people like you to foster these under appreciated jewels of the skies!

    Abundant Blessings!
    Kimberly Carter
    My Email:
  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Kimberly, if ljk doesn't need the bird supplies, please let me know. i rescued 3 cockatiels (through ljk) a couple of months ago and i may be able to use some of your extras. TIA
  12. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Kimberly how sweet! I will contact you. Kaci I will pass on some goodies to you too! How is 'the plucker'?
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Doing a whole lot better, the only place he picks now is under his wing and sometimes i think it is just to get attention:lol:
  14. bird supplies

    LJK: Sometime next week I'll be out and about; I am taking some board/tabletop games to donate to the elderly residents at the Meadowview Assisted Living Center on 210 and I can meet you somewhere if you like. I'll also sort through all my bird supplies a second time to see what else I don't need which I can give to you.

    BTW: Do you read or subscribe to Bird Talk magazine? I have learned so much from it but no doubt have a lot more to learn from knowledgeable people who have been taking care of birds longer than myself! Anyhoo, I was just curious.

    Abundant Blessings!
    Kimberly Carter
  15. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Kimberly, i know your post was directed at ljk but just thought i would post that Bird Talk is a great magazine. When i first got into birds several years ago, i read every issue i could get my hands on and learned a lot. If you are local around the 4042 area, the most knowledgable person i know is Rachel up at Critter Country. She has helped me out many times when i wasn't sure what to do. She loves her pets and it shows.
  16. Kaci

    Thanks for the heads up Kaci! Although I'm familiar with Rachel/Critter Country, I cannot wait until her bonded black-capped caique pair figure out *the birds and the bees* and finally get with the program because I'm really wanting to get one of their babies!:-D And you're right about Rachel; she has that special St. Francis of Assissi touch and can do amazing things with them and anyone would be blessed to seek her help!

    Do you know of any other periodicals besides Bird Talk magazine? Besides The Companion Parrot, there just doesn't seem to be much else out there for bird-brains like me LOL!:p

    Thanks again and below is a parrot wave for you!:) I just hope that it comes through correctly; I copy/pasted it so we shall see! :D

    Abundant Blessings!
    Kimberly Carter

    .----. .-------------------
    / \ ___ / ---------------
    / / \ (* *) / ----------
    ////// ' \/ ` -------
    //// / // : : ----
    // / / / ` ' ---
    // //...\\

    ^Well crud, it got smooshed! If you copy/paste it in your notepad [CTRL+N], you can
    tinker with the spacebar adding spaces from the left to see how it is supposed to look.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2007
  17. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Kimberly, honestly i don't subscribe to any periodicals anymore. When i first got into birds, i read and researched anything i could lay my hands on but since raising two parrots from right out of the egg, i pretty much follow my instincts on most stuff, call Rachel, call one of the several breeders i am lucky enough to call friend, and research on line when i have a question. All birds are different, just like children, and one philosophy does not fit all. To be honest, in all the reading i did, there were so many conflicting ways of doing everything, it got to be pretty annoying so i raise my birds like i did all three of my children,with a lot of love, patience, and caring and they are doing great. i do have several reference books that i keep on hand for quick answers on the particular kinds of birds i have.
  19. Kaci and LJK:

    Thanks for the info! Sorry I haven't replied sooner; I've been a bit under the weather and my Tahoe has been in the shop OY VEY! LOL!

    Again thanks for the info!

    Abundant Blessings!
    Kimberly Carter
  20. parrot supplies donated to LJK

    Hi LJK -- I emailed you last Friday 2/9 to let you know that I dropped off the big bag of parrot supplies I said I'd donate to you for your rescue parrots. I have not heard back from you so am trying to contact you here on this forum service. I will also try to PM you through this service as well. Hope all is going well with you and all your foster parrots!:)

    Abundant Blessings!
    Kim Carter;

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