
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by peanut2004, May 13, 2009.

  1. peanut2004

    peanut2004 Member

    We are in the Cleveland Area and are looking a really good program for our 4 yr old that will turn 5 this yr but not start school. So we want more than a daycare, any parents out there got either good suggestions or don't go there suggestions. Thank you,
  2. I have a similar question - My daughter is turning 4 in August and will in preschool, but I don't know yet if she needs to go to kindergarten next year since she'll be turning 5 the week before school starts. Her preschool doesn't have a 5 year old class. I don't want daycare because I'm at- home mom, but I would like to find a preschool that has a class for 5 year olds. Is there one around here? Also, does anyone have suggestions about sending a child that just turned 5 to kindergarten? My oldest daughter had already been 5 for half a year, and did great in kindergarten.
  3. peanut2004

    peanut2004 Member

    My child will turn 5 2 days before school starts and we have decided to hold him back, just because he is having a hard time with some of the things he will need to know. If you are able to do part time I have heard really good things about Kims Kids, not sure what area you are in. We are currently at a center in the Clayton area but his class is considered a Big 4, all the children will be starting school and I am just worried about him not getting all that he will need to start next year.
  4. tracyjo1969

    tracyjo1969 Well-Known Member

    Unless it's changed, I was told the cut off date for a child to be able to enter kindergarten is August 31, meaning they have to be 5 on or before August 31 to be allowed to enter school this year. Sucks for us because ours won't be 5 till September 10th. My situation is I don't want to send her to kindergarten the next year because she will be almost 6 then.
  5. seabee

    seabee Guest

  6. tracyjo1969

    tracyjo1969 Well-Known Member

    Not sure what you meant by that or why you put it, but oh well:nopity:
  7. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I think Seabee was asking, if your 5 year old isn't old enough to go to kindergarten this year, and you don't want to send your 6 year old to kindergarten next year, what exactly are you looking to do? If you're looking for an accredited kindergarten program that will accept your 5 year old and thus enable your 6 year old to start 1st grade next fall, you might want to clarify that.
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    My advice for sending a just turned 5 5YO to kindergarten is to listen to your gut. If they are socially immature or not ready in any other way, I would hold back a year. Nothing wrong with staying home with mommy for another year, they grow up so fast.
  9. :iagree: That's what my gut tells me. I'd love one more year with my baby. I'm in school now getting my license to teach elementary school. I can put teaching off one more year. I was going to wait until my youngest is in kindergarten to start teaching. One more year (in the grand scheme of things) is not bad at all. Lots of kids start school at 6 years old. I'd rather have a smart 6 year old in kindergarten than a 5 year old struggling. We'll see...I'm going to ask the advice of her preschool teachers too. They might know what she's ready for.
  10. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    My daughter is in the 1 year old class here:
    My daughter really loves going to play with the kids in her class and she is very fond of the teachers.

    The parents with children in the preschool classes seem very happy. I've never heard anything but positive comments from both the kids & the parents concerning the preschool classes at Highland's.
  11. I highly recommend Johnson Memorial Church preschool especially for people who live closer to McGees Crossroads. Next year, my daughter will go 4 days a week and it's the same price Kim's Kids charges for 3 days/week! I just wish JMC had a 5 year old class. They are first class.
  12. crunchymom

    crunchymom Well-Known Member

    The job market for teachers isn't exactly booming right now anyways... (I just completed my elementary education degree.)
  13. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I just wanted to add, national studies have shown the children who enter kindergarten a year later do better in high school and on their SATs. As one of those kids, sometimes it was a drag being older than most of the other kids, but I got my license first, was more mature, and was in the top 5% of my graduating class. Due to the statistics, many parents are electing to have their children repeat kindergarten or enter a year later, in order to give them a competitive edge.
  14. kodiak kid

    kodiak kid Well-Known Member

    My son goes to little stepping stones on technology drive. they also have a second campus on the corner of Sout shilo and Cleveland school rd. Both facilities are top notch, plus they seem more like friends and neighbors vs. a business. Beth and Jennifer (sisters) are both awesome!!! Price is comparable to everywhere else...Plus a week free every year if you go on vacation, etc...
  15. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  16. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I am looking for 2-3 days a week, but longer days. I need longer than 8-12.... and closer to Clayton. Anyone?

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