Children's Novelist to Visit McGee's Middle Tuesday

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Oct 10, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Book Soon to be Film
    Children's Novelist to Speak to Students, Promote Book, Award for
    "Public-Spirited" Youth

    BENSON-- Popular children's novelist T. A. Barron will visit
    McGee's Middle School on Tuesday, October 11. Barron will address
    students during a 1:15 p.m. assembly in the gym and autograph copies of
    his books following the session.

    Barron, who has written 14 books for young people, is on tour to
    promote the newly released second book in his Great Tree of Avalon
    trilogy. His earlier series, The Lost Years of Merlin, is currently
    being developed into a feature film.

    In addition to writing, Barron also established a national award to
    honor outstanding young people. The Gloria Barron Prize for Young
    Heroes, "recognizes extraordinary, public-spirited young people
    from all backgrounds, in the hope that their examples will inspire

    McGee's students are preparing for Barron's visit in their homeroom
    classes by participating in activities based on his non-fiction book The
    Hero's Trail: A Guide for the Heroic Life. The book was selected as a
    resource to promote this year's school theme HEROES - Helping Everyone
    Realize Our Exceptional Selves.

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