On the weekend of August 23-24, the Bennett Place will host a Civil War encampment/living history. The Bennett Place, where Joseph Johnston surrender the remnants of the Army of Tennessee to William Sherman, is the site of the largest troop surrender of the Civil War. Reenactors from the 26th North Carolina and Company I of the 6th North Carolina will particpate in the living history. There's really nothing on the Bennett Place website, but from info I've been given, the troops' schedule is this: Saturday, August 23 10:00-11:45 Company drill with a firing demonstration at 11:15 1:00 Civil War flag talk 1:30 Drum and fife demonstration 2:00 Civil War uniform talk 2:30-3:45 Battalion drill with firing demonstration at 3:15 4:00 Dress parade Sunday, August 24 1:00-2:00 Battalion drill with firing demonstration at 1:15 Bennett Place: http://www.nchistoricsites.org/Bennett/Bennett.htm Cedar Fork Rifles - 6th N.C.S.T.: http://www.geocities.com/e6ncst/ 26th North Carolina: http://www.26nc.org/
I think it was the 26th that my father in law used to be in. I've heard my wife say that they had to have both a confederate and union uniforms to help even out both sides if there wasn't enough yanks to show up. She said he always hated having to put on the union blue. He's been out of the reenactments for sometime now, but he hasn't lost his passion for his heritage.
Another bump.... Since it looks like Fay may go in another direction, it should be a good weekend to come out to the Bennett Place.