I put up a classified a few days ago and received an email not to long afterwards. I think it is a scam tell me what ya'll think. Thanks so much for getting back to me concerning your ad also i want you to know that i'm ready to buy it with any condition on it..So i will be very glad if you could get back to me with the info needed below,so the payment can be issue out to you asap. *Full Name you want on Check: *Address *City *State *Zipcode *Country *Land Tel No *Cell Tell No The payment will be in Over-Payment Certified Cashier Check..As soon as you receive it,kindly deduct your money and i would want you to send the rest to the Shipping Agent for the pick-up,whose information would be sent to you a soon as you confirm the arrival of the payment. I hope i could trust you with the charges fee of the shipper. I will be looking forward to read from you again. Thanks, Dr.Bryan.
I got one like that before, and I forwarded it to the webmaster. definitely scam, don't go through with it
red flags: agrees to buy sight unseen pays by money order/cashiers check overpays and requests you refund the difference either to them or to a third party signs "Dr. Bryan", but can barely spell, use punctuation correctly, or compose a grammatically correct sentence
I knew it was a scam as soon as I read it. I would never cash a cashier check and then send someone money. I have heard about this. You cash the check and then when the bank finds out it is a fake you are responsible for paying back the whole amount. I just wanted to put it out there for others to see so no one would fall for it.
That is what I thought when I read it. If you are going to pretend to be a doctor, you could at least write the email with correct grammar and spelling so you sound reasonably intelligent.