Really? What school? My 5th grader at Cleveland Elementary is praying she gets a particular teacher and she's driving me crazy!
K is a little different, but most teachers don't even know until they come back for the teacher work days right before school is back in session. Then they have one or two days to get their personal welcome letter and supply list mailed to each student. (at least that is how is was back 'in the day' when I worked in J.Co schools.)
I would like to know too, I went to the sight to find out what supplies each teacher wanted and only 3 out of 6 had a list and they are all differant in what they want, it's not like I'm a SAHM and have the time the week before school starts to go and get supplies. Since I don't know who the teacher is going to be till the 24th, with school right after that on the 27th, makes it a pain, last yr couldn't find some of the supplies needed that they asked for. Sheri
You beat me to it! :mrgreen: Honey, just because someone is a SAHM doesn't mean they have any more free time than someone who works outside the home.
I think what she meant was that in all probabilities, SAHM do in fact have more options with their time in order to pick up these school items. One example would be days throughout the week versus going to the stores after 6:00 in the eveing or on the weekends when everyone else is there. I don't think she meant any disrespect.
Elementary school: classroom assignments are sent in the mail to your home. Usually a note from the teacher is enclosed along with a detailed class supply list and date of the open house. Middle School: you report to the school during the open house/orientation and look for your name on "the wall". When you learn who your teacher will be, you report to that room for more papers including a more detailed school supply list. High school: not there yet.
Thanks, but no I don't I was one for 4 yrs of my daughter life..but most of my friends are I do know what it's like to be a SAHM and a full time working mom that is doing it on her own. They both work hard, just in differant ways. Sheri
Thank you and your right and thanks for taking it the right way...I do understand since I have done both..if I could I wish everyday I didn't have to work out of the home like I do..but I have to. It would be so much easier to have a set schedule then one that changes every day. Sheri
I guess you missed the winking smiley.......................:? BTW, I am not a SAHM. For what it's worth.
For Clayton Middle you will get your homebase (homeroom) teacher at the Orientation on the 23rd. But you will not get your schedule until the first day of school. Though from what I understand is that once you have your homebase teacher, you will know what "group" you are in and can find out what other teachers are in that "group" Here is a link off of the website that links you to each school. Some of them have orientation dates on their websites, otherwise you could go 'old-school' and call them on the phone. <wink> The assignment letters usually go out about a week before open house.
I thought for sure I'd get my son's room assignment in the mail today...but nothing! Tomorrow I guess? I'm curious, did anyone from Cleveland or West View get theirs today? I know a lot of moms waiting by their mail boxes today!