The Clayton High School Alumni Association will host a get together at Jones Cafe, 415 E. Main Street, Clayton, on Thursday, September 10, 2009, from 5:00-7:00 PM. All CHS Alumni, faculty and friends are welcome. Reservations recommended. Call John Bagley (919) 553-2733 or Dennis Johnson (919) 237-2081. You may also contact the Alumni Association at: Please invite all your Clayton High School Alumni, Teachers and Friends. It is a great opportunity to visit with former classmates and teachers.
I don't know why I'm about to post this.....but when I was a kid my family and I had at least a 5 hr trip to Morehead City every fall and the only thing I ever remember about those trips was seeing Clayton High School along Hwy 70. It was something about the "Comets" that was so unique and interesting to me that I always wanted to make sure I saw it from the car. Little did I know I would eventually move here. I'd be curious to hear some of the "old timers" talk about how Clayton has changed over the last 20-30 years. What buildings are new/old, changed or gone. New construction, etc.
I never got to be a "Comet". It still disappointments me a little. We moved to Smithfield during the summer when I was 14. Back then Clayton and Smithfield were long distance by phone. I lost all contact with my Clayton schoolmates. I've always wanted to go to an '82 reunion...just to see people. I remember them clearly from school. I came back home (to Clayton) when I married and I've ran into two old school mates. They hadn't changed a bit. Id recognize them anywhere. I saw another friend on a show on PBS about paroled women making new lives for themselves. :shock:
I graduated from CHS in 1956. At that time Clayton High School and Elementary (1st -12th) were all in the 2 buildings that now are the Clayton Center on 2nd Street. In 1956 Clayton High School had the Industrial Arts building, gym and football field at the current CHS campus on S. Fayetteville Street. No other buildings. Cooper High School (all black) was in the current Cooper Elementary buildings. Schools in Clayton were segrated at that time. Population of Clayton at that time was about 2500. Most everyone knew each other. I left Clayton in 1958 and returned in 1998. We returned for visits every year and have seen the growth. Clayton is still a very nice place to live and raise a family.
I was a Comet in the mid 80's. The school looks completely different now. It's more sprawling and in my opinion, not improved upon. I remember when the only fast food place was Hardees, where the Walgreens is now. I don't think there are many buildings that are gone - what I notice is the farm land, gone. That's kind of hard to take.
I hope some of you CHS Alumni will join us on Thursday evening. We had over 100 at our last get together. **** Beach, former band director, and Coach Wiggins have attended. There are photos on our Web site:
I grew up here in Clayton, graduated in 1969, moved away for school, came back in the early 1980s and have been here since then! Lots of things have changed, some improvements are good, some maybe not so good. My graduation was held in the auditorium of the Clayton Center. We had the El-Mar grill (drive-in restaurant) on Hwy. 70 where the Toddler's Inn is now and the Brentwood Grill up Hwy. 70 down a few buildings from GI Joe's! That was the big thing on Saturday nights - to "cruise" between the 2 grills - sit on the hoods of the cars and chat - mostly about the boys from over at Cleveland School! Also - there was a movie theater on Main Street - where Connie's Hair Styling and Flowers By The Neuse are now located - later became a skating rink! Those were the days! Livin' was easy! Hope to make it on Thursday night!
I am probably one of the younger ones here to answer that question but I can tell you its changed so much! I graduated in 95' but I can remember no stop lights on 70, no major chain grocery stores, it was Red & White, Food Town and I believe one more. The only fast food was Hardee's. I could ride my bike all over clayton and someone knew me or atleast one of my many family members as I am a 3rd maybe 4th generation here!! I hate all the changes in one sense but love some of the conviences! West Clayton use to be Clayton Primary, the Clayton Center was my elementary school, Cooper was the middle school the of course CHS!!
Just reminding the Clayton High School Alumni about this get together. Hope you will come by this Thursday evening.
gcoats, I think this is a great thing for people who graduated from and work(ed) at Clayton High. I hope this continues for my teen's sake. Sherry