Arrangements have been finalized for a Clayton High School get together at Jones Cafe, 415 E. Main Street, Clayton. Curtis Jones has agreed to open the Cafe from 5:00-7:30 pm on Thursday, September 11, 2008, for Clayton High School Alumni and friends. Attendees will order from the menu and will be responsible for their bill plus appropriate gratuity. Please call Dennis Johnson (919-782-4405) or John Bagley (919-553-2733) to make reservations. You may also request reservations by sending an e-mail to: When making your reservations please advise the names of all attendees. Capacity is 100 and 55 have signed up. Invite your CHS classmates and friends to join us for an evening of good food and good fellowship.
Great get together at Jones Cafe last night for Clayton High Alumni. We had over 100 in attendance. Coach Wiggins and his wife were there. His health is good and he was telling tall tales. Many thanks to Dennis Johnson for making the arrangements.