Well our open house at Clayton Middle was a bust! We showed up at 6:15 (which was for all 6th grade and new students) and found out that all the 7th grade teachers had already left. They would not even let us go down the hall (they had the doors closed). So we did not get to meet any of her teachers. And to top it all off....some women (adults - though I use the term loosely) got into a fight right in front of everyone! They were in the hall by the office. I was in the office trying to get some information and dh and our girls were out in the hall. Geez! And we are all trying to teach our kids how to behave and the people that are supposed to be ADULTS are fighting. Did anyone happen to go to the 7th grade orientation at Clayton middle? What did I miss? I sent an email to Ms. Suggs (her homebase teacher) and hopefully she will have time to get back to me...I know how busy they are since school starts on Monday.
We went. There was a brief session in the cafeteria on all the rules about buses, car drop off and pick up, dress code, etc. Then everyone went to the 7th grade hall, where the teachers were set up at tables in the hallway by team. It was very crowded and chaotic with everyone in the hallways and no one in the classrooms. The kids were able to pick up their schedules, and that was about it. There was really no opportunity to talk with the teachers. You didn't miss much!!
Yes, they got a complete schedule with all classroom numbers, teacher names, etc. They said they would send all the other forms and information home with the kids on Monday.