Thefts from Vehicles Local law enforcement in Smithfield and Selma are investigating a rash of car break-ins since Thanksgiving. That area has had reports of over 20 cars being burglarized, mostly in business parking lots. The larger shopping centers and restaurant lots have been hit especially hard. Although we have not seen such an increase in car break-ins in the Clayton area yet, we should all be reminded to be vigilant in our efforts to prevent such crimes. Please Remember These Simple Tips to Prevent Thefts from Vehicles • Always lock your doors and roll up your windows. • Never leave keys or valuables in your vehicle. • Store packages in the trunk of your vehicle while shopping. • Remove items such as telephones, ipods, purses, briefcase, backpack, GPS and even loose change each time you leave your vehicle. • Park in well lit areas at night. • Consider a car alarm for added protection. • Call 911 if you see any suspicious activity. • Encourage your family, friends and co-workers to keep valuables out of their vehicles at home, work or while running errands. Chief Glen B. Allen Clayton (NC) Police Department
Again, as i posted in another thread, this time of year, you have to lock your doors to both your vehicle and your home and be sure to put any shopping in your car where it cannot be seen. Sad but true.