Clayton Police Department - ALERT!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Webmaster, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Smithfield Police are investigating the theft of 5 catalytic converters from parked vehicles recently, and Benson had 3 catalytic converters stolen from parked cars there. Several cases have been reported in Wake County and one has now been reported in Clayton this week. Catalytic converters change harmful pollutants into less harmful emissions before they leave the car's exhaust system

    Most of the stolen converters were removed using a small battery powered saw to cut the converters out of the exhaust system under the vehicles. Some can be stolen by removing the mounting bolts. Catalytic converters contain precious metals like platinum, making them desirable to sell for scrap metal and causing them to be expensive to replace. The thieves can quickly cut the converters off of cars in shopping center parking lots and on the streets in front of houses. Vehicles (SUVs and trucks) with more ground clearance are particularly susceptible, but any car built since 1975 may be targeted.

    Catalytic converter thefts are rapidly increasing in our area, so the Clayton Police Department urges all car owners (and vehicle fleet managers) to be careful and to reasonably try to avoid parking in isolated areas and unattended lots for extended periods. The public is also requested to be vigilant for suspicious persons around or under vehicles, and to call 9-1-1 to have law enforcement investigate such circumstances.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
  2. My one vehicle I had to park because the catalytic converter is shot, and I do not have the funds currently to replace it. Let them steal my catalytic converter from that vehicle. I can collect the insurance and they afford to replace it


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