Clayton - Water

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by chill927, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. chill927

    chill927 Guest

    Earlier this year I bought a house in Clayton (Magnolia Village - off of 42E). Before I moved here I lived in an apartment down on 70, and I was paying about 9$ a month for water. Now that I am in a house I am paying about $70 a month! There are only two people that live in this house. We are also paying to AQUA NC. Can anyone explain why I am paying to AQUA NC and not the county and also why I am paying SO much money a month?? Is there a way to change this? Absolutely ridiculous! There are two showers a day, the wash machine goes twice a week, and the dish washer once a week.. That is not 70$!!!
    Someone please help/explain this!!
  2. Aglassnut

    Aglassnut Well-Known Member

    Sounds like they outsoursed it since you live outside the town limits (not in downtown proper as it were). A friend of mine lives in Lake Royale and her water is handled by someone in Alabama or somewhere in that general area and her bills for water are the same way. Call the town and see if that's the reason. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  3. tuesday

    tuesday Guest

    Yes, the water bills are a shocker. All Flowers Plantation area have Aqua, and the monthly charge is $48 just for sewer service, and then they add the water usage. No way around this, sorry. My water bills have been the same amount for 2 years - they according to a "usage range"
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    We are also a two person household useing Aqua also and pay about $27 a month.

    You are paying Aqua because you are not on county water, we are on a community well managed by Aqua. Depending on your circumstances it might be a lot more expensive where you live due to environmental sensitivity, storage, etcetera.

    That being said our bill as I said averages about $27 but we had a really bad month (about $70), a few months ago, the reason why? Someone finally came out and read the damn meter, and the $70 was the difference between what they predicted we would use and what we actually used.
  5. chill927

    chill927 Guest

    So is it possible that they just have not read our meter? Should I call them? It is just outrageous the amount that we are paying a month..
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Quite possible, if you just moved in they may be basing your usage off of a much larger family, or like with us, just didn't bother to read it.
  7. chill927

    chill927 Guest

    we moved into this house and it is a new construction so i have no idea what they are basing our usage off of. But gosh, if we were to start a family we wouldnt be able to afford water!
  8. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    You might want to have them check for some kind of leak. We've been in our house for 7.5 years. Our neighborhood has community wells maintained by Aqua. Our bills, for a family of 4, average $30-$35 a month. The only time it has been higher is when we filled an Intex pool or did some heavy duty watering after installing sod. Even with that it has never been over $50.
  9. JC1000

    JC1000 Member

    city taxes saved, right?

    since you are outside of city limits, this should give you reduced taxes - you need to figure that into the equation.

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