Saw a story about men and facial hair in a magazine today. I'm curious. Ladies, how do you like your guys? With or without?
:iagree: In the winter, DH likes to grow come on his chin, which is ok but not my favorite, but let him change up a bit as long as he keeps the mustache and no stubble.
ooopps Word was suppose to be some. Hey.....I am on meds, so that is my excuse and I am sticking to it. :mrgreen: He likes to grow a little "beard", or goatee.
I like a little facial hair - my dh has always had a beard of some sort and a 'stach. He did shave it all off one time early on in our marriage - and I just think he looks better with it. Besides, he'd have to shave twice a day not to have stubble - so he'd rather have a beard! :lol:
Depends on the guy. And it must be neatly kept and not overly long. Handlebar mustaches and beards like ZZ top are :ack:.
whiskers are fine with me, I like DH with a moustache and goatee.... he tends to let it grow out on occasion though. I like him with a very clean shaven moustach and goatee when we're going out somewhere nice. :jester:
My wife resists saying one way or the other about me personally, although she seems to accept it either way.
I've had a goatee or full beard for almost 25 years now.,benson&ref=search
The only reason I like a clean shave is for the smell, because I'm a smell person. But if I had to pick, I choose scruff. When I say scruff, I mean 5 o'clock shadow. REOW!!! :twisted:
I prefer clean shaven over anything else, but on some men the 5 o'clock shadow looks good on them. Nothing more than that ever though, hate facial hair!