Unlike UNC-CH librarians, the current policy of the Cleveland Library at 40/42 permits a Christmas tree. The library is a free public library and that means all opinions of Cleveland residents are considered in making policy and decisions. If your family or organization wishes to decorate, it would be a great morale boost and needs to be done very soon, before our families come in for their gifts and food on December 20th. For fire safety, we must use fire retardant trees and materials. Feel free to call me at work 715-6520 - day, or 661-6565 6-9 Monday or Thursday evenings, or Saturdays 9-6.
Are you seriously asking if it would be okay to put up a tree? Wasn't Basic Needs founded as a Christian Ministry? People can choose to come for the services you offer or not. I hope you don't put faith in the closet to be politically correct.
I don't think that is what he is saying. I took it as TIC, and then inviting us to come help decorate. Go Ron!!!
Ron, I don't intend to do it, but if in my opinion a Flying Spaghetti Monster ornament is appropriate, as a member of the community would I be able to add it to the tree? 8)