Cleveland Middle Dunking Booth Nets $750 for Katrina Victims

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Students Pay To Dunk Principal, AP
    Hundreds Wait in Line For Their Chance to Help

    GARNER-- Principal Kenneth Barnes felt bold Friday. As he sat perched
    atop a small seat in a dunking booth, he taunted hundreds of students as
    they tried-- some as many as 10 times each-- to hit the button that
    would land him under water.

    Students bought as many throws as their money could buy for a chance to
    see Barnes and their assistant principal Kristy Stephenson submerged for
    a cause. At 50 cents a chance, students threw a total of 1,500 times to
    bring another $750 to the students' efforts to raise money for victims
    of Katrina. The school has now raised a grand total of $3,000 since
    their relief efforts began.

    Barnes caught a cold, but he says it was worth the determination he saw
    on the students' faces on Friday.

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