Cleveland Middle Secretary Charged With Assaulting 2 Deputies - A secretary at Cleveland Middle School was arrested following an altercation with deputies at her home. Shan Lucille Strieby, 40, of 5371 NC 96 North, Selma was briefly held under a $1,500 bond before her release. Strieby’s husband reportedly called 911 just before midnight Saturday claiming he had been assaulted by his wife. When Lt. Steve Amaon arrived he reportedly noticed a cut on the victim’s lip. Strieby allegedly retreated into her home and while closing the door to her home “shot the deputy the bird.” Officers tried to open the door to talk with Strieby at which time she allegedly slammed the door on one officer then pushed a second deputy with her hands. Officers said Strieby was highly intoxicated and using profanity during the entire ordeal. Following a brief struggle, Strieby was detained and arrested for assault on a government official. Johnston County School officials said Strieby has been in office support at Cleveland Middle since March 30, 2000. She is still employed by Johnston County Schools.
When did this occur? Has she been convicted? Should the school system fire her simply for being charged?
Two school personals being arrested in the same week in Johnston County. Hope we aren't starting a trend here!!
Did you miss this part? Officers said Strieby was highly intoxicated and using profanity during the entire ordeal. Why is "Bad boys, bad boys, what'cha gonna do?" suddenly running through my mind?
I'm sorry, but I got my laugh out of it just reading that the husband called cops on his wife for hitting him. What a way to get teased by the guys later on... ***I know...domestic abuse is domestic abuse no matter who is throwing the punches...It's just odd to see it turned around*** ducks and runs.....:arrow:
Why don't couples get it? Drunk and fighting do not mix well - walk away:-D Wonder how many times she has told kids that about fighting:lol:
If she was under arrest, she couldn't have retreated to "retreated into her home". It certainly looks like it wasn't the domestic dispute, but the flipping of the bird which caused the officer to try to open the door to "talk to" her. In any event, it's all alledged. We don't know what happened, and neither does the school. So back to my question, should a person be fired simply because they are charged with a crime?
Clif, you presume that they did not have permission from the husband. With permission, no warrant is needed. Sounds to me as if the police had "reasonable suspicion" to enter, in an attempt to talk with a person who was directly invovled in the altercation. That phone call that reported the spousal abuse HAD to be answered and investigated, espcially had the show been on the other foot (husband assaulting wife). I can just see the skewering that the poiice would receive, had they not responded and a serious injury or fatality occured due to the situation escalating. And, if she was that intoxicated and entered a house and denied entry to a poice officer, what was to prevent her from retrieveing a weapon and using it on them? Sorry, Clif, but as liberal as I am, I seee the the police lawfully doing their job in this case to protect and to serve. I didn't see where she was in danger of being fired. I do see a problem with her lapse in judgement.
Is this one of the two? Teacher Charged With Assaulting Her Own Autistic Child - A substitute teacher is charged with assaulting an autistic child, allegedly slamming his head into a wall then kicking him while he was on the floor. And it was the teacher’s own child. The alleged incident happened December 8 at East Clayton Elementary. Several faculty members reported the incident to school administrators that day. Johnston County sheriff’s deputies and the department of social services opened investigations which lead to the arrest of Anita Marie Dankin of Kenly on Friday. Dankin is charged with two counts of child abuse. At the time of the incident, Dankin was working as a substitute teacher at the East Clayton Elementary. School officials said Monday that Dankin was no longer on the approved list of substitute employees for Johnston County Schools. Crystal Roberts, Public Information Officer, for the school system released a prepared statement Monday saying, “While the details of the incident in question are confidential, the school system responded upon notification of the allegations. Ms. Dankin has not worked in the school system since that time. Johnston County Schools takes seriously any allegations relating to the safety and well-being of its students. This incident is now a matter for the court system.” The 41-year-old woman was released Friday on a written promise to appear in court on the charges. Dang... after seing all those headlines.... looks lik the county has gone to hell.
This was an interesting story last week... Wake Kindergarten Teacher Faces Drug Charges
I do not recongize her. I am at cleveland middle all the time. Maybe without dress clothes she looks different. Is she a behind the scenes sec? I am just having a hard time placing her. Well, I personally think all that happened at her home. We do not know all the circumstances.