We went by there on Sunday and the model home was really nice! Houses are way too close for me - but liked some of the floor plans. They are pre-selling townhomes for construction to start in a few months. If someone was looking for an investment - would be a great deal! Makes me want to re-decorate my house.........:?
It is on Cleveland sch rd, go past the new Walgreens they're building (going towards Garner), it's on the right.
can you give me info on those houses and what do you think the rental rates are. Where exactly are they located? Thanks
Are these the houses behind Food Lion with the lot sizes .08-.12? How is it even possible to have a lot that size especially with little kids.
Honey I didn't look into the rental rates - sorry. From 4042.... R at top of ramp R onto Cleveland Rd (where walgreens is going) pass Glen Rd on your R Take the next R into Cleveland Springs Subd. I really liked the lot size - only needed a push mower! :mrgreen:
We looked at two of the rentals a few months ago. One I really didn't like but the one that is actually the sales office is GORGEOUS!! The one I wasn't thrilled about but was nice was $1400 per month and the other was $1475 per month. All the houses are roughly 2500 sqft with an unfinished 3rd floor. Lots of upgrades that aren't "extras" like granite countertops and moen faucets. We needed to get out of our other rental asap so we couldn't wait on the one that I really liked because it wasn't set to be finished until mid June. I am kicking myself now that I didn't wait on it. Both of the rentals we looked at were on the same little circle street behind the sales office. I can't remember the name of the street though...sorry. I seem to remember that creek was somewhere in the name. I found the $1475 one on Craigslist and the other one through a real estate agent that was helping me by sending me MLS listings. Hope this helps!
Strange...I thought that subdivision is all houses for sale. I don't see any rental there. There are several SOLD signs in front of houses. I don't get it.
Lot sizes are not based on the number of kids that potentially might be living on that lot one day. You have 2 "types" of lots. Sewer lots, and septic tank lots. Thats it. Sewer lots can pretty much be as small as you want...with a few stipulations. Septic tank lots have to be big enough to get your septic and repair areas on the lot, which is determined by the quality of the soil on that lot. Sewer lots do not have those stipulations so they can pack them in there as close and small as they want. However, there is a maximum density allowed on a track of land. On a hundred acre tract, they may put all the houses in the front 30 acres, on lots as small as possible, and leave the back 70 as undeveloped or open space. Kids have nothing to do with it.
Thank You for the education. I guess I assumed that building a 4 bedroom home meant it was being built for a family with children. I don't know what I would do with a house that big without kids to put in the rooms.