just curious for those of you parents that have children in CLeveland Middle or McGees Middle what your views are on each school, is one better than the other and why?
what no views on either school. i just have a friend considering which school for their child and having no children in either, i really cannot give advise.
From what I have read here in the past I would not bring my dog to MMS. I love CMS. Also, compare the report cards. CMS is hands down a better school.
I would stick with CMS. Cleveland - School of Distinction - http://www.ncreportcards.org/src/servlet/srcICreatePDF?pSchCode=329&pLEACode=510&pYear=2006-2007 McGees - School of Progress - http://www.ncreportcards.org/src/servlet/srcICreatePDF?pSchCode=359&pLEACode=510&pYear=2006-2007 What it means - Distinction at least 80% of students @ or above grade level Progress at least 60% of students @ or above grade level
I can't really say anything about MMS, my kid doesn't go there. Overall our first year at CMS was positive. I found the office and support staff to be extremely helpful and friendly, most of the teachers to really love what they do, and communication at about a 7 out of 10. There was one teacher that we had small issues with, but that's normal for any school.
Both of mine have gone to CMS. I have loved it for the most part. I don't know anything about MMS. But from things I have heard, would definately stick with CMS.
All I can say is that there really should be no difference between any of the schools here b/c we are in the same county. However, that is not a true scenario. In regards to MXM they have their share of problems like any other school. They do have one of the highest drug problems. It is also a title one school. I know some of you will say that you can not label a middle or high school a title one but it IS. The school also has a very high rate of hispanics which makes the report card look bad. If you have to look at the entire picture. My daughter went there three years & anything that we had an issue with administration took care of. There are some really great teachers & then there are not so great. That is my opinion on the matter. I can not speak on CMS b/c have never had a child there. If all the schools were to follow the policy set in by JC board & not run as their own little business then there would not be such a difference in the schools. Think how many children of "migrants" are in atendance at MxM as compared to CMS think of the farms as opposed to neighborhoods you have to take all of it into consideration
Actually, the report card does break it down by race, even sex. At Cleveland whitey still got 78.7% passing, with McGee's coming in at 73.7. Hispanics @ Cleveland passed at a rate of 52.2% and McGee's was 53.8. If you want to blame the injuns... well, too bad - the Cleveland indians got 83.3% passing, and McGee's indians were @ 66.7%. Let's see how it breaks down by haves and have nots... The NED @ Cleveland got 79.1% while their ED students got 51%. The NED @ McGee's got 72.2% and the ED got 55.2%. And lastly, LEP (no speake de english). 42.1% passing at Cleveland, and 40% passing at McGees. McGees had 80 hispanics tested, Cleveland had 41. What does this mean? I don't know, I just felt like typing while waiting for my pasta water to boil. :lol: I do see where the hispanic results are pretty close between the schools, and McGees seems to have risen to the occasion as far as the migrant students and the po folks go. But, they still need some more work as most races trail behind Cleveland.
The biggest difference in education is the parents. Bottom line. You can be a great teacher and get somewhere with any kind of kid if you work at it, but the socioeconomic background and involvement of parents makes the biggest difference overall. Of course there are exceptions both ways. CMS has more students in the middle to upper socioeconomic scale. They both have good teachers. As far as drugs- would you like the administration to risk that reputation and get those kids out of that school or stick their heads in the sand and pretend it is not happening so they don't have to expell them and get the reputation? I have worked in both situations. I want a school where they are not afraid of the reputation and are agressive about getting rid of the problems rather than avoiding them. There are drug issues in every middle and high school- even private ones. You are mistaken if you think otherwise about your school.