It's not the most pleasant of procedures - but everyone should have one! :lol: RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK – If you are 50 years old or over, don’t be an absolute idiot like yours truly and NOT be screened for colon cancer. This is Colon Cancer Awareness month – and believe me, I’m painfully aware of the deadly disease that kills 50,000 Americans a year. I’m one of the survivors.
Well - I hope everything turns out okay for you. Better to have the test than to not and have worse results........
there is nothing to it, thats true....the worst part is the 'prep' work....the day before....Run Forrest Run and you should screen earlier than age 50 if one of your parents has had colon cancer...
My dr. told me yesterday that I need to do this. Dad had colon cancer at age 55. He's 78 now - :hurray: - but it was really scary for a long time. My all time favorite thing my dad has said so far is "You haven't lived until you've had a rubber hose shoved up your backside." You'd have to know him, but that was pretty rough talk for my daddy!
Took my Dad in for it not that long ago,The little recovery area cracked me up. They blow you up with air so they can see stuff inside, so when you are all done, you are blowing monster farts. The little rooms only have curtains on them so you can hear everyone else ripping them as well. It was like an orchestra of nothing but tubas up and down the hall. Like the Kenny VS. Spenny fart contest Warning,Adult language.