I don't know if anyone can help me or not, but there are a lot of REALLY SMART people on here, so thought I'd give it a shot! 8) I've got some forms online in PDF format that I need to fill in - typed. Since typewriters are out, I obviously need to fill them in online or on my computer anyway. It comes up on Adobe Reader, but I can't type anything in. Am I doing something wrong, is there a way for me to fill these in or not? I've tried everything I can think of, did the help function and it's not working. I sent it to my email thinking I could do it there, but that didn't work either. I apologize if I'm not using the right terms, but I'm not that computer savvy and have never had to do this before. Can anyone help me?
Adobe Reader does just that. Reads. Sounds like you need Adobe Acrobat, which i believe will do what you are asking for. http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/?promoid=BPDDU
I'm sure this is going to be a dumb question, but what is open office, and where do I get it? I'm assuming online? I guess I'll go online right now and check it out.
Open Office is a shareware (or "open source", for those who don't like the word "shareware") program similar to Microsoft Office. You will not be able to edit (ie, "type") in your PDF page whether you have Open Office, Microsoft Office, or anything else. It appears that the person who set up the acrobat document(s) did not allow for editing, which is an option when creating the document. Believe it or not, the library does still have typewriters available. If you can get over the oddness of having a keyboard and no monitor, you'll be fine.
Thanks for the input Clif. Unfortunately I don't have time to go to the library, as I've got 3 little ones with me and it needs to be done by tomorrow morning. I was a dummy and filled all these forms out by hand and then read the following pages that said MUST BE TYPED. DUH! I can't get ahold of the organization to verify this is the only way, and I've tried everything everyone has told me to try but to no avail. Now I'm not sure what to do. There are many other people that have to do these forms though, so there's gotta be a way! Maybe I really am dummer than I thought...:?:cry:
I saved it to a text file, but that looks horrible. This is something that's going to be on display at a very fancy-schmancy place at Prestonwood, and I think that's why it's gotta be typed. So whatever I do, it's gotta look presentable. I really wish I had gotten this task before now! (I could kill my husband!)
No, saving it as a text file won't help. As a matter of fact, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's not a whole lot you can do at this point. As far as your issue with your hubby, remember this saying... Procrastination on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.
OK...I'm getting close! I downloaded a trial of Adobe Acrobat and saved it to a word document, and now I can edit. Yay!:hurray: Now my only problem is it's printing tiny and with a shaded area on the right hand side of the page, don't know how to get it off??? :?
I just wanted to thank everyone for your help yesterday. Grinder - Adobe Acrobat did work! It saved it as a word document and I was able to edit it. KellBell - Thanks so much for your offer, that was very sweet! I was talking to my mom this morning, and she said why didn't you just print it, then scan it back into your computer? Would that have worked also? If so, I don't know why my hubby didn't recomend that, I know he scans things all the time. (I never have, but know it couldn't be that hard to do)
A lot that depends on what software or hardware is used for scanning. As an example here at work we have a huge industrial Multi-function HP (copys, scans, faxes, e-mails) that type of stuff, and due to the hard programming (and the fact that adobe reader is free) anything that you scan or e-mail as an attachment is automatically formated as a PDF file. Craig