WRAL had a report about a confessions web site. The web site has 4 categories of confessions: Addictions, Lying, Secret Shame and Sexual Secrets. Anyone here been there to confess? http://lumbertonsecrets.com/
There was another site similar to that... what was it called? Dernit...:x Ah ha!~ found it! http://postsecret.blogspot.com/
I love postsecret!!!! Genius idea. For those who don't know, PS is a "community art project". People from all around the world put their "secret" on a postcard and mail it to this guy in MA. He posts 10-15 secrets every Sunday. He also has a couple of books out. Its the "thing" to put random postcarded secrets in between the books so if you are at Barnes & Nobles flipping through one of the books a "secret" someone planted might fall out. Its cool.