Cooper Students Going to Odyssey of the Mind Competition

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Placed Fourth Last Year
    Cooper Students Preparing for Regional Showing

    CLAYTON-- Cooper Elementary School has 2 teams going to the Odyssey of
    the Mind Regional competition being held Saturday, March 5, at East Wake
    High School.

    The Structure team is comprised of six third, fourth, and fifth
    graders. They had to construct a structure out of balsa wood and could
    only use glue to hold the structure together. Weights are then placed
    on the structure. The object is to put as much weight as possible on
    the structure without the structure breaking. The team has a Jamaican
    restaurant themed skit they perform while they place the weights on the
    structure. Last year, this team placed 4th in the Regional competition.
    The top two teams will go on to the State level competition.

    The second grade team is comprised of six students who had to come up
    with their own fable skit and moral, consisting of all animals with an
    inanimate object coming to life during the skit. This is a
    participatory event for all second grade teams and they will all receive
    recognition. The moral had to be original, and it had to be one that
    they decided on their own. They chose as their moral "don't be a wanna

    Both teams had to come up with their own ideas and could not have help
    from anyone to design their structure, costumes, or props. They even
    had to come up with their own skits. Last night, they performed a dress
    rehearsal for parents and on tomorrow, March 3rd, they will perform for
    all second through fifth graders.

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