Corpse kept upright for 3-day wake

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by my4kiddies, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    I just read this on wral ...What in the world , kinda strange :x

    Corpse kept upright for 3-day wake in Puerto Rico

    Posted: 25 minutes ago

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A Puerto Rican man has been granted his wish to remain standing - even in death. A funeral home used a special embalming treatment to keep the corpse of 24-year-old Angel Pantoja Medina standing upright for his three-day wake.

    Dressed in a Yankees baseball cap and sunglasses, Pantoja was mourned by relatives while propped upright in his mother's living room.

    His brother Carlos told the El Nuevo Dia newspaper the victim had long said he wanted to be upright for his own wake: "He wanted to be happy, standing."

    The owner of the Marin Funeral Home, Damaris Marin, told The Associated Press the mother asked him to fulfill her dead son's last wish.

    Pantoja was found dead Friday underneath a bridge in San Juan and buried Monday. Police are investigating.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2008
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    LOL! or Weekend at Bernie's..........:lol:
  3. peekaboo

    peekaboo Well-Known Member

    I remember...

    learning in school that they used to do this many years ago in some places, so that the people visiting could shake the person's hand goodbye....NOT ME!
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Isn't there a famous grave in one of the Buford, NC cemeteries of a soldier buried in the standing position? Could have sworn I saw his grave.

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