I am starting to use coupons again, anyone know of a local coupon exchange our want to swap coupons, I used to do it a while back and hate tossing coupons i don't use when someone else might want them, and visa versa.......any info of this would be greatly appreciated! thanks
Good luck...a couple of us on here have tried this idea on here before, I don't think enough people want to do it. But if you look back a few pages, or search, I just posted a new thread this week about an exchange BJ's is hosting, next Saturday I think. I've never been to one, so not sure exactly how it works, but I'm curious...
Thanks, I never did a organized exchange just me and some friends passing circulars we took what we wanted and passed on , I am not a Big time clipper but need to start again as 3 teens are eating me out of house and home, not to mention the friends that almost live here on weekends hehe!
You might want to mosey on over to Money Matters section and post this, maybe someone will want to do it with you. I did it a couple times with another person on here once. I think what we did was, in Sunday's paper, just listed what we wanted and mailed the coupons to each other (if we hadn't used them ourselves, of course)
You might want to check out Faye's web site: http://www.smartspendingresources.com/ That's our very own Frugal Mom of 2, here on 4042. See the "local celebrity" thread in Money Matters.
hehe ya i saw her on news thats were i was like duhhhhhh start doing coupons girl! thanks for all the advice i will post on money matters too!:mrgreen:
Also check out http://savvydollar.org. There is a forum specifically for coupon swaps on there. I know there used to be a group that met at Chick-fil-a at White Oak. It's a great site for all things coupon as well!
I did something through the mail with a few people and it worked out pretty well. One person starts it and sends the envelope with about 50 non expired coupons and a list of names and addresses to the first person on the list. They take what they want and any expired, and replace similar number of coupons and send it (with the list) to the next person etc... then it ends up with back at the first person, now filled with different coupons. We have done the trains with no theme, or themed.... like pet, baby, beauty etc... I have plenty to start a few trains if anyone would like to try it. It just costs each of us a stamp. (or you could meet up somewhere to hand off the envelope if you wanted!) LOL
I'd be willing to do an exchange. I don't have many coupons at the moment but I'm gonna start collecting.