Coupons for medication/Rx from Dr's too. Check them out.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Neighborhood MoM, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Neighborhood MoM

    Neighborhood MoM Well-Known Member

    Neighbors: I was directed by a very nice pharmacist to in future before filling a RX to go to the internet and type the name in and either use the name of drug and or the name of drug and discounts for it. Now you may have to register or call a 1-866 to activate the savings and give an email but after that bit of infor, prior to filling Rx, which is why I keep a gmail account for that, so my privacy is mine. But take that coupon in with the Rx I think you will be amazed the savings. I love my coupon queen around here, but I just did not know without getting on line dailey if or whom all knew this. With medical cost growing minute by minute. I felt I needed to share this. PM me with any questions I maybe able to answer them or not. I do beleive you can do this with a medication that is on file with you local pharmacy in the system already before calling and ordering your next refill. But you need to take the coupon in before requesting the refill and register that coupon. The coupon activates ASAP. No waiting for snail mail/email. Just go to printer. I sure hope this helps as many as I can help. I was helped by a kind soul and what goes around comes around. So good luck neighbors go for it. I hope maybe I save a few $ today for anyone.

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