If you order a copy of your credit report, it comes with suggestions for ways to improve it. A lot of so-called credit counselors are really just rip-off artists who will take your money and not help your credit at all.
:iagree: Be really careful if you decide to go that route. There are so many things you can do yourself. A suggestion: go to www.clarkhoward.com and search credit counseling. He's done several shows about this subject.
Check out this website http://clarkhoward.com/ Clark Howard is great for financial/credit/investing/consumer help, also he has a radio show in the mornings (9am-12pm) on 680 AM. Hope it helps.
I just noticed JCC is offering a class on this tomorrow evening at the Cleveland campus. Information is in the local calendar.
Go to Hummingbird.org. The organization is called Hummingbird Credit COunseling and Education. You can go on there and do your own budget plan, spending plan and it has LOADS of consumer resources to help with budgeting. This company is used ALOT as now, when someone wishes to file a bankruptcy, as they must complete a computerized credit counseling session before filing. Now I know you are not wanting bankruptcy but you will see a few choices on the home page. There are pre-bankruptcy certifications, NON-bankruptcy courses as well. They have a learning center there as well which is where the budget and spending planners are. You do need to have high speed internet to go on it as dial up will not work. There is NO fee and if you have questions, you can call them and ask. And yes, for all who may be curious, I do work there part time. If anyone has any questions though, PM me!
The best advice I ever got was from Dave Ramsey's book called The Total Money Makeover. If you follow his plan your credit score will take care of itself.............but you won't need it.