Anyone take this for cholesterol? I was wondering how & if it has helped your levels. I have high bp and a horrible family history. My cholesterol a few months ago was 219. Retested yesterday and is now 202. Doc wants me to go on Crestor & says statins have been found to be wonderful for treating people. I'm all for that but in the same token, I'd love to try to lower it more myself. I'm only in my 30's and being that I did manage to lower it some in a few months (btw, 234 before that #), I think I could really do even better the next few months w/out more meds. I know he's being proactive but I really think I should go a few more months and retest. What were some of your #'s before you were on meds for cholesterol? BTW, LDL is 134 and I think they want it under 130. Don't remember. I know this is my decision but would love to hear from others what they did before they went on cholesterol lowering drugs. Family history is bad on both sides. What got me thinking is my mom's cholesterol is 234 and they are giving her another 6 months to get it down. Mine is 202 & they want me to start today. However, my mom has low blood pressure so maybe that's the difference? Trying to get input from others. And yes, I do understand these are all opinions and you are all NOT doctors. Asking anyhow--LOL. Thanks. stephanie--mom to 7
Steph...some cholestoerol problems are hereditary. Others are dietary. Obviously, dietary factors are easier to treat. Crestor works, but is really expensive. Statins also may have a deleterious effect on your liver, so you'll need blood tests to make sure that's OK. If your doc is serious about statins, why not try Pravastatin (Zocor), which is available at WM for four bucks for a 30 day supply. Note disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV....