Crossroads Wellness & Rehab...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by harleygirl, May 23, 2012.

  1. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    So.... 1 issue I have is my right wrist *cracks* hurst and pops all the time 2nd is I have what I call "chicken gristle" in my shoulder blades; nothing going on over the weekend but Sunday and I was like "WTH", called 'em yesterday they worked with MY schedule. I got a 30 minute massage AND adjustment today. It had been 2 1/2 years since my last massage and about the same for my last chiropractic visit. The lady who did my massage was GREAT!! I can't remember her name. :oops: She mashed the living crap outta me (which is what I wanted LMAO) If you've NEVER been to Dr. Ryan for an adjustment - CALL NOW FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT!!!! I KNOW I"m going to be sore as all get out tomorrow but in a GOOD way.!/wellnessandrehab

    FB site ^^^

    AND for those of you (hught ~ LOL) who don't have FB ...
    27 Annette Dr. Suite 109
    Benson, NC 27504

  2. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Dr. Ryan and his staff are awesome! Got me back to walking and functioning after a severe car accident that totaled both (newer) cars involved.
  3. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Dr Ryan and his staff!!! He is by far the BEST chiropractor I have ever been to & I have seen several over the years....
  4. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    :iagree: Dr. Ryan is wonderful. My husband had what other doctors said was runner's knee. It was giving him trouble through his legs and hips, mostly pain and stiffness. All of the regular doctors he saw about it just put him on anti-inflamatories for an extended period of time, treating the symptoms, but not the problem. He went to Dr. Ryan (Dr. Crack as my husband call him) and he immediately checked his feet. Turns out my husband didn't have runner's knee; he had flat feet that were causing him to pronate so much it was giving him the knee and hip problems. A pair of orthodic shoe inserts and a couple of adjustments later and he is a new man. We are so thankful for Dr. Ryan!

    Also, I have no chiropratic issues, but I have been to see the massage therapist there who gives wonderful massages. Even if you aren't in need of a "medical massage," she is just as good as any spa for a regular relaxing massage!
  5. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Doc Ryan, PA Mike and the staff are top notch. Worked wonders for my better half. Great office, great staff, and will do what they can to accommodate you.

    Also great supporters of local sports teams, and local schools with their backpack donations at start of school.

    Glad they're a part of our community.
  6. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    I disagree. had a horrible experience with them. told me how much it was going to COST to fix me. not what they were going to do. 2 copays to see a PA (what physician does the PA work under??? can't work under a DC) and Dr Ryan.
    Been to many chiros. Worst ever.
  7. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Mike, the PA does work under the protocols of an MD, whose name escapes me at the moment. His prescriptions have the doctor listed, as well as Mike's info, so the PA and prescriptions are legit.

    Sorry that your experience was not what many others have had.

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