Current going rate for additions?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Is the current rate for doing renovations/ additions going for over $100 a sq. ft? Just really curious as we're planning to add on. Thanks for any and all input. We have gotten some quotes a few months ago and are in process of getting a few more. We knew it would be expensive but seriously, I could get a lot more if I bought another house for an extra $150 to $175K more. The bids also varied in price by about $50K. ALL came highly recommended. Just trying to make some big decisions on this house and making sure things are the way they are supposed to be. Hope that all made sense. This would be a construction refi. Also, do the contractors file the building permits? I'm assuming yes. Again, trying to make sure of all the little details and that we don't miss a beat here. Anyone who has done some adding onto their home, I'd love to hear from. We did this years ago but know times have changed. Thanks in advance.

    Stephanie-- mom to 10

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