Customer warning for BP station

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by smiles, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    The BP station across from McDonald's at McGee's Crossroads will charge you 5 cents more per gallon if you are using your debit card. Even though the sign advertises one price and in small numbers a "credit price", debit cards run AS DEBIT CARDS are charged the higher price. The manager's response to my complaint over the deceptive pricing was to tell me "BP makes me charge that". Really? Tell that to the other BP station owners in the area that do NOT charge extra. This is just a warning to everyone else out there.
  2. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    I think the 5 cent fee is great!!:hurray:

    For all the cash users out there it's a relief to know we're not being overcharged with built in plastic user pricing. It's pretty bad when I know my cost of living is increased by 2% for everything I buy because of plastic users. It should be illegal to build plastic use costs into the price. It should be an add at the register. Everything should have a cash price, let the plastic users do the math at the register for the real cost of that so called 'free' convenience.

    I'm seeing this "cash" is less trend in many different types of business's lately. It's good to finally see. They've been catering to middle man banking and its associative costs way too long.
  3. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Well we all pay for convenience. So you have to pay the additional $0.30 because you are holding up the line while your car sits at the pump and you go inside, buy a gatorade, use the bathroom, wait in line, hand over your cash, wait for change, etc.

    I pay at the pump and I am in and out in about 30 seconds (excluding the time it takes to actually pump the gas). I pay with credit card and pay for the additional technology and convenience to make that happen.

    They are called convenience stores for a reason and many even have the words: Quick, Kwik, Fast, Speedy, etc. in the name.

    I understand your point regarding paying cash, but I believe that to be more appropriate when dealing with larger items that are not a daily purchase.
  4. 42Local

    42Local Well-Known Member

    I use my credit card for basically 99.9% of all purchases that I make. It gives me extra insurance, cash back rewards, and the security of not having to carry cash. At many stores I don't even need to keep my receipts to make a return because they can pull up the transaction. So if a business starts charging a premium for using credit cards, I simply stop frequenting that business. I respect the business owner's desire to increase their profit margin, but I'm just not willing to change my spending habits while I have other options.

    Another thing to consider about paying cash for gas, is people with kids. Is it really okay to leave young children locked in a car while you run inside to pay for gas? I don't think so, and often I don't want to drag my kids out of the car, especially in the cold or rain.
  5. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    Whether or not they want to charge extra for credit...that's their business. Just as it is our "business" if we choose to visit them once they charge extra. My warning is that they are charging the extra money for DEBIT transactions too, even though it is not posted and it showed the cash price as I punched in my switched prices after I indicated I wanted a receipt.
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  7. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter where I'm charged for a convenience you use. I'm still being charged for a service I don't use just because you want it. Show me a viable situation where any other typical choices of commerce convenience by others are being paid by you?
  8. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    So, do you really think all that is free?

    Cash back rewards are theft from the ignorant. If they charge the businesses an average of 1.7% and your point program returns more than that .... is that money they take out of pocket to give to you? It's the rape money that they take from the ignorance of those who make bad credit decisions and they give a small portion of that to you. And they're always hoping you'll join that group.

    Rationalizing the credibility of others paying for your convenience by applying the rare occurrence of a social issue won't get you any points with me.
  9. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    My goodness, you do so enjoy being a toolbag, don't you?? :lol:
  10. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    If revealing the ugly truth is a toolbag, than yes.

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