FURBALL OR FURBALL HATER - PLEASE WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY ON POUNDS AND WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO OUR SHELTER DOGS. REMEMBER WHEN ERNIE WILKINSON BRAGGED THAT HE WAS SELLING GASSED CATS FOR FOUR DOLLARS A CARCASS? WELL, NOW YOU CAN DECIDE FOR YOURSELF IF THESE ANIMALS IN JOHNSTON AND OTHER POUNDS ARE TREATED HUMANELY http://www.hbo.com/docs/programs/dealingdogs/index.html?ntrack_para1=feat_sec1_image Dealing Dogs Each year, 42,000 dogs are sold to veterinary schools and research labs by Class B dealers, who are required by federal law to buy the animals from pounds, shelters and small breeders and to treat them humanely. However, many Class B dealers violate the law. DEALING DOGS exposes the abuses that took place at one of America's most notorious Class B dealers - Martin Creek Kennel in Arkansas. Premieres Tuesday, February 21 at 10pm (ET/PT). http://www.hbo.com/docs/programs/dealingdogs/index.html?ntrack_para1=feat_sec1_image
Re: DEALING DOGS - TONIGHT ON HBO FOR FURBALLS AND FURBALL H Since the report is on animals not in these pounds or shelters, how would it relate in any way to whether they are treated humanely in the shelter? So a violation of the law impacts on the shelter in what manner? I am confused. I have plans for tonight but I do have HBO on demand so I may watch it later.
i'd like a detailed list of this poster's charitable donations for the last, say, five years. i'd also like a log of community service hours. you're such an animal rights advocate... let's see that you've done more than scream on a local message board.
Oh Grits, you might shoulda gone to that class rather than stir the pot in here! Good post though,"...charitable donations, community service and more than scream..." So glad that you are hanging around! This will no doubt be my last appearance in this thread...bowing out gracefully.