Deferring Jury duty?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Savealot, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    I forgot to mail my paper in to get it deferred until the kids go back to school. The paper they sent says to call after 5:30 Monday to see if you are needed. It is just a recording. Does anyone know who I can call and speak to without having to go up there at all? Not trying to get out of it just need it deferred.
  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I just went last Monday and they give you an opportunity right at the begining to ask to be deferred. We were there about an hour and they sent us all home.... so that is it for 2 years for me!!!

    Here is a list of phone numbers... not sure if it helps.

    Crocker is the one who 'signed' my jury notice so that is where I would start.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2008
  3. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    So they didn't need anyone that day. I was trying not to go up there at all and just call someone. When they do need people is it just for the day that they tell them to come up there?
  4. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    They have something called "One day/One trial" or something like that. They had maybe 50 people there and we had 4 cases to be heard. We could be chosen for 0-4 cases that day. They said if you were chosen you would hear the case (short ones) deliberate etc... then you would go back to the jury pool room and start over. You could get selected for the next one and keep going, or just sit there the whole day and get chosen for none.

    I dont know if everyday is like that but they made it sound like that. I am not sure when/how the longer more serious cases are handled.

    If you dont have to be there until Tuesday I would think you could call tomorrow. I called and got deferred before, they had me fax in my letter. (but I had a few days before I had to be there.)

    Does the recording say you are needed? Mine said we were needed 2 days before I had to be there, I kept calling waiting for it to change but it never did. :lol:
  5. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    How come I never get called for jury duty? Is it crazy that I actually want jury duty and never had it? I'm almost 31. Come on county, call me!
  6. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Did you get out of it?
  7. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I've never been called either. I'm 40 years old and have never been called. Hubby has been called 3 times!
  8. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    They compile a master list from your drivers license and your voter registration. If your name is listed differently (like middle name vs middle initial) you have double the chances! If your names match, the program will kick out the duplicate....

    Once your name gets drawn it is 'taken off the list' for two years.
  9. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    Yes I got it deferred. I faxed in a paper and talked to a nice person on the phone and they even called me back about it. Wow! I also called the recorded number to see what it said anyway. It said for people to call back at 12:30 to see if they will be needed for that same day. I thought that was a bit much. Are you supposed to sit around and wait half a day not knowing if you have to drive to Smithfield. I have a wendell address so I couldn't be there in a few or anything.
    Thanks for your help!

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