LMAO - This will backfire on Democrats. It will show they have no idea of what is important ================================= Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2007, 2 p.m. Kucinich has introduced H Res 333 as a privileged resolution. Rep. Jose Serrano chaired the session. Congressman Kucinich introduced H Res 333 and read the three charges against Cheney contained therein. Serrano said that a time would be designated within the next two days for the bill to be considered. At that time, anything could happen, including a vote on the resolution, a vote on tabling the resolution, or sending the resolution to committee (potentially with a time limit for a response). Rep. Steny Hoyer has reportedly said he will move to table the resolution. We have somewhere between 10 mins and 48 hours to let our Congress Members know to vote No on tabling, Yes on impeachment. Congressman Dennis Kucinich, whose bill to impeach Cheney has 22 sponsors, introduced his resolution as planned on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on November 6. Another congress member will probably move to table (kill) the resolution. The vote will come on the 6th, 7th, or 8th. We need you to ask your representative to vote No on tabling, Yes on giving impeachment a chance. Those who vote Yes to table cannot use the excuse that "We don't have the votes," since others will at that same instant with exactly the same exertion be voting No. Please scroll down to contact Congress and the media right away! Spread the word with these flyers. Read "It's Time to Impeach Cheney" by Dennis Kucinich." Watch Dennis in a short video, and another one. Here's report from Nov. 5 conference call with Kucinich. If you are in Washington, please ask your Congress Member for a pass to the House Gallery, and attend the session to quietly witness history. You can gather with other impeachment supporters at 9:30 a.m. at Independence Ave in front of the Longworth House Office Building There Will Be a News Conference Following the Introduction of the Resolution on Nov. 6th at 3 p.m. in 2456 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.
You mean some Democrats want to impeach Darth Vader, not all of us. As much as I would like to see him spend the rest of his life behind bars (that is if he really did the things I am pretty sure he has done) it is counter productive.
Kucinich is impeachment happy. Someone on his team needs to remove that word from his vocabulary and program in another soapbox for standing.