Dental Work?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by FrameMaMa, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Hello all,

    Ok, I have finally accepted my fate and I am going to the DENTIST!
    I am TERRIFIED of the dentist.
    I had a tooth cut out by an oral surgeon when I was a teenager, and he had to cut it in half because it was wrapped around my jaw bone, I thought I was going to die, it hurt so bad.
    Ever since I have been terrified of the dentist.
    As I have gotten older, I need to have some dental work done,
    a few broken teeth, and various other things from never taking care of my teeth when I was younger :oops:
    I now stress the importance of taking care of your teeth to my kids who still don't like brushing. (go figure)
    I have read and seen horror stories about the sedation dental work as well as general bad dentists, that little girl was put to sleep with three times the amount of sedation needed for a child her size!
    Not to mention there was NO monitoring equipment!
    I am kind of sensitive to sedation, but cannot handle simple Novicane.
    Can anyone tell me of a dentist that can put my fears to rest?
    And help me fix my teeth at the same time.
    I am looking at different options for the dental work.
    any opinions on
    Thanks ya'll.
    (Sorry about the novel.) :roll:
  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member


    90% of the people on this board are going to sing the praises of Dr. Ricobene at Hwy 42. And I don't know him and have never been, so I can't say either way.

    What I can tell you is that I feel the same way that you do about dentists, and the one I see is Dr. Folden Lee in Clayton.

    He told me that he was hurt by a dentist as a child, and swore that he would make it possible to go to the dentist without pain when thats what he decided he wanted to do.

    He gave my 10 yr old daughter 2 fillings with nothing, nada, zilch, and she never felt a thing.

    He is wonderful and I can't say enough about him and his staff.

    Their number is 919-553-2238.
  3. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    Good luck with all that. I work in the dental field as a oral surgery assitant. I also spent ten years in the navy as a dental assistant. I can give basics but I am not the doc so I can't tell you treatments and stuff of that nature, just basics.
  4. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    oral surgeons are the ones that got me so terrified to begin with.
    They dont stop when you tell them it hurts.

    when that doc sawed my tooth in half, I thought my jaw was going to split in half.

    My uncle got implants, and he says it was the worst mistake he ever made, they hurt him so bad, he got them removed, now he wears dentures.
    Don't want those either.
    Do you know anythign about the Lumineers?
    They looked neat because you can put them over your existing teeth.
    I think. :?
  5. silkyrabbit

    silkyrabbit Well-Known Member

    I hope you have insurance, because dental work is expensive. I've been to Dr Riccobene's office, I did not see him, but the dentist I did see was great. There was no pain.
  6. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    don't have it yet but it's coming soon.
    Hey, it will take me nearly a year to build up enough courage to go anyway :lol:
    But yes, it is VERY expensive.
    Funny that we have to pay that much to have some stranger put his hands in your mouth.
    Wonder how many times they have been bitten. :shock:
  7. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I also had an awful experience as a child (8 years old). My dentist pulled a tooth that had not frozen yet. I told him to stop and I was told that it was "all in my head". I see Dr. March at Clayton Dental on the corner of 42 and Guy Road and have since I was 15. One of the first questions I was asked there was if I had ever had a bad experience with a dentist before as well as how I felt about dentists. I was totally honest. After fillings, bridges, etc, he has never hurt me nor have any members of his staff. If I have any work done other than a cleaning they know I get CO2 to chill me out!
  8. southerngal39

    southerngal39 Well-Known Member

    I know where you are coming from with this. When I was in my teens I went to a dentist to just have a tooth removed (this has been some time ago) well he put shots in to numb me well they didn't work and I tried to tell him anyway the dentist thinking he knew more than me started cutting it in half to removed I felt everything and was screaming for my mom finally she heard me and got to the room I had to be taken to another dentist right then and there to be put to sleep to finish the rmoval of the tooth. I never want to experience anything like that again. Since then I have to be put under to have any work done even cleanings.

    As far as dentists around here I have heard very good things about Dr Riccobene. Have met him as well very nice man and his staff seem to be really good people as well. Good Luck!
  9. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Girl, go see RICCOBENE!!!! If you don't, I'm gonna beat you up. :lol:

    He is AWESOME, we refer everybody to him!
  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Frame, as many on here can tell you, i was the biggest chicken to go to the dentist and like you, i put it off for way too many years leading to the result of a lot of needed work.

    i finally got the courage up to go see Dr. Riccobene and now i cannot stop singing his praises - he made the entire process painfree and i have sent everyone i know to him including my own children and grandchildren. i can totally relate to how you are feeling, but trust me, after you get it all done you will feel 100% better and it is so reassuring knowing you have a caring dentist and staff with you the whole way.

    Good luck.
  11. momz x 2

    momz x 2 Well-Known Member

    Folden Lee in Clayton...... nothing but good can be said from anybody in this house....
    we have had alot of work done from him.....we actually like going now, when before we would just about have a panic attack just thinking of going to a dentist.....

    he has helped us to get over any fear of dental work!
  12. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I am even scared to be put to sleep for fear of never waking up!!!!!
    Like that little girl.
    I have panic attacks just thinking about the whine of that damn drill.
    :shock: :evil: :cry:
  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Get the "mind eraser" pills, you wont remember a dern thing ==== trust me!!!
  14. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Mind eraser pills?!! :mrgreen:
    where do I get those.......and what the heck are they :D
  15. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    They are awesome and you do not remember a thing, ie - no pain :lol: Dr. R gives them to you - you are not unconscious but you feel like you are in lala land and feel nothing and remember nothing.
  16. mordorboy

    mordorboy Well-Known Member

    I bet that made him popular with the other guys. j/k :lol:
  17. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    :shock: :lol:
    I bet that did make him popular.....
    Wrong implants though...
    If he got those I would have to disown him....or sell him to Ripley's one.

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