Dr. Riccobene 661-6161 is the # for his 4042 office LOVE HIM!!! If you do a search on "Dentist" you can read more about him and who other people use... http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=15691&highlight=Dentist
AWESOME Dentist! I would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Michelle Brown--she is on Aversboro Rd. in Garner--779-2818. She has been our family dentist for 9 years, and has been great! She works well with children, too, and my kids love her! I have had fillings, crowns, and of course just run of the mill cleanings, and I have NEVER had any pain or anything with her. She and all of her staff are SO professional, but friendly and make you feel comfortable. The only downside is that her office doesn't file the claims for you--they give you 2 copies and you mail it in yourself. This isn't a big deal for us, b/c usually if I mail it the same day, I get my $$$ back before the credit card bill comes in (and I use Discover, so I get that WHOPPIN' 1% cash back, WHOO-HOOO!) Hope this helps and good luck!!
Contact information also in the 4042.com Business Directory: http://www.4042.com/4042ads/advertise/ad_dir_result.php?id=10
Dr Riccobene is the best!! He and his staff really care about their patients and offer the highest quality care! Hubby was there last week...he usually hates going to dentists, but he doesnt mind it as bad since he started going to Doctor R.