Does anyone know if a dentist is open today. My 6 year old has a bad tooth and his mouth is swelling.
Know this sounds horrible but do you have any hefty-duty pain killers leftover from a child's surgery or anything of that nature? If so, use it for sure. My kids have many surgeries throughout the year so we have children's tylenol w/ codiene. I highly doubt you'll be able to find help from a dentist on Thanksgiving. The only last resort option is to go to the ER and wait. But even then, they'll give him the pain killers and tell you to go to a dentist in the morning. Poor kid. I'm so sorry he's going through this on Thanksgiving. Ice will help w/ the swelling but only the pain killers will knock it out until you can get to a dentist. Wish I could be of more help. Distractions are key here. I've been in a similiar situation during holiday so I know exactly what you mean. Try anything at all to get him mind off of things. easier said then done. So sorry. I do hope someone calls you back, I really do. Good luck w/ everything and hope your son feels better soon. Stephanie--mom to 7
Oh no, I am so sorry. Try these people. Emergency Dentist In Cary, NC. Call Us Now For Immediate Care! 919-502-7985 Our office facilitates communications and emergency calls and appointments are available and welcome, especially for new patients seeking help. Good luck, poor baby!
God bless him, Tooth pain is miserable enuff for an adult. I woke up this AM with my tooth doing the same thing. I honestly thought I was going to have to go to the ER and get some amoxicillian to take some of the infection down. Finally about 4: the Advil kicked in, so I can wait for tomorrow if Ricobenne is gonna be open. I'll be the first one in line, but will definately give a kid my place. Good luck.