Raleigh cell phone salesman accused of stealing 359 phones. :shock:
I work in the industry and theft of phones by employees, especailly sales reps is all the rage. It took AAT awhile to notice since he got away with 359 of them !!
yes a lot are sold on E-Bay.most 'new' phones sold on e-bay are stolen. Some of the bigger volume thefts go to 3rd world countries.
There are about a gazillion new (or new looking) cell phones on Flea-Bay right now. DH is looking at a new one and watching the bids on a few.
I'll bet it didn't take them long to notice. They were probably keeping a close eye on him to see if there were any other employees involved, as well as how he distributed the stolen goods and to whom. I had a management position with a very large company for five years in the early 90's. When an employee was suspected of stealing, their loss prevention people went to great lengths to uncover every detail about the theft, their merchandise and who else was involved and/or who had knowledge. At times it was over a month before the loss prevention head, who was out of Atlanta, would show himself, accompanied by local police and took the person(s) responsible away in handcuffs. After five years of encounters with him, I got used to his motto: "In God We Trust, All Others, We Polygraph!"