On the way to work this morning, there was well over 50+ cars lined up at the pumps at the gas station next to Bojanles on hwy 70 in Clayton. People were standing outside of their cars, there was another gas truck off to the side and the line went around the building! This took place at about 6 am this morning. So....what did I miss? Besides the opportunity of being extremely late for work. :allears:
people start lining up at 4am for these promo's....you can listen on Mondays and they will tell you where they will be the following Thursday.
I ALMOST did it I almost did it. My mom told me about it, but I did not feel like getting up at 4am and sitting for like 3 hours and MAYBE just in case I did not make the first 50 people. Don't get me wrong I could have used 10 gallons of gas ($40) but sit there for 3 hours or more and MAY not get it. Nah. I am good.
Ya got that right. Is free really free if you gotta take 3 or more hours out of your day to get it? Not in my book. Does anyone know for sure how long people are waiting for their "free" gas?
they have had some go the night before and camp in their cars....they always speak with the first person in line, on thursday mornings, to see how long they have been there.....
Sorry but my time is worth a lot more than $40 worth of gas. Especially if having to wait for 3-4 hours for it. Craig