Anyone know anything about this practice, Digestive Healthcare? They have offices in Garner and Raleigh. DH has been referred to them and just wanting to know if anyone else has had any experience with them. TIA
Thanks Kell, i had looked at the website, was hoping someone had some personal experience with them though.
Don't have experience with Digestive HC but hubby has been a patient of Lanny Newell MD (now with Triangle Gastroenterology) for over 20 years. Not the most compassionate bedside manner but a great doctor! Also have family with very good experience with Dr. Jordan in Smithfield.
I go see one of the doctors up there and have had really good experiences with them. Zero problems at all. They keep on my butt and make sure im doing what i am supposed to be doing.
Thanks G!! Now that's what i wanted to hear. It is like pulling teeth to get my DH to go to the dr so hearing that another man has had good experiences with them is a definite plus:cheers:
Well once you have a colonoscopy and endiscopy (where they get you from both ends) you sorta lose a bit of your humility. Part of getting old i guess. I saw Dr. Parekh, who is really cool. Funny to see an Indian (the country, not native American) talk with a slightly southern accent and no Indian accent whatsoever.
Kaci, I just went to them 2 weeks ago for the first time. Like Grinder, I saw Dr. Parekh and loved him. When I go back again, he will be the one I request.
Kaci, I have spent a lot of quality time there too and I see Dr. O'Loughlin. He is great and the staff is wonderful too!