Direct TV question

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ZUMBAbyMARIE, Jul 23, 2014.


    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    I'm sure there may have been a post about this before, but I can never get the search engine to work for me.

    Do any of you have Direct TV?
    I'm thinking about signing up to get the Football package.

    Can you tell me the pros and cons? How much is it with taxes, fees and equipment rental?

  2. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    When you sign up tell them you want it FREE!
    That's what I did & got it.
  3. Judge Smails

    Judge Smails Well-Known Member

    I've had DirecTV since 1998 and it has good and bad points.

    I love the Sunday Ticket, which is why I started with them in the first place. And yes, you probably can/will get it free when you sign up. But they have gotten to where they nickel and dime you much like Time Warner. They charge you for HD service, then charge you for HD boxes (you may get a free trial period as a new subscriber). My bill is about $80/month, but I call and gripe every year and get $20-$30 off for about six months. It's still way overpriced, but their customer service is outstanding and I don't often have weather-related outages.

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    Thanks! AAA has a discount with the free NFL package. It's 24.99 per month for 150 channels. They also have a free Genie upgrade. I'm not sure how much that will cost in extra equipment. The discount is good for the first 12 months and then continues for months 13-20. Anyone know what the surprise price will be from months 21-24? :?
  5. Judge Smails

    Judge Smails Well-Known Member

    They end up charging you for whatever TV package you have (which will be at least $35), and then tack on $10 for HD service and another $10 for each HD box (the Genie). So I would expect your price to likely double at minimum.

    As much as I have enjoyed DirecTV, when my contract is up in September I am bailing out. I don't watch enough TV anyway, so I'm going to just over the air channels combined with Netflix and Hulu Plus. I'll miss the NFL package, but the savings are just too much to ignore.

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info. We got rid of Time Warner last year. I honestly don't miss the tv either. I like the channels we get over the air and the shows on Netflix. We are addicted to Once Upon A Time. I think in the long run I'll save money. Football games are on twice a week and if my Husband goes OUT to watch them he spends at least $30.00. :?

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