Discovery Channel's Animal Planet Coming to East Clayton

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, May 19, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    CLAYTON-- The second grade classes at East Clayton Elementary School will take a veritable trip to the wild when professional animal handlers for the Discovery Channel's Animal Planet bring a variety of exotic animals for them to experience on May 19.

    The handlers and animals, sponsored by a company called Wild Wonders, are coming to town for an Animal Planet Expo in Clayton Park, scheduled for Saturday, May 20. They will arrive a day early with a variety of animals just to visit with the second grade classes at East Clayton. The visit, which is based on show-and-tell, will involve the students through questioning, guessing games, and other interactive activities. The event is being sponsored by Discovery and Time Warner Cable.

    "This is a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," said Dr. Peggy Smith, Principal of East Clayton Elementary. The combination of Discovery Channel and exotic animals is exciting, and we cannot wait for the kids to have this educational experience."

    Launched in 1996, Animal Planet brings together viewers of all ages by tapping into our fundamental fascination with animals and by providing a diverse mix of programming that tugs at viewers' heartstrings, tickles their funnybones, stimulates their minds and makes their jaws drop in awe. Animal Planet has grown to become television's leading broad-based, family-friendly entertainment network. It reaches 87 million homes in the United States and more than 150 million homes in 160 countries around the world.

    During the development and production of each of its ground-breaking programs, Animal Planet seeks the advice of well-established, third-party organizations devoted to animal welfare and the humane treatment of animals. These groups include American Humane*, Humane Society of the United StatesĀ®, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsĀ®; and the National Aquarium in BaltimoreĀ®.

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